Thursday, July 3, 2008

a butterfly flutters but not popote

So today, in the spirit of competition I went to check out the other offering of internet that other providers had, my targets for today.. popote wireless and KDN's butterfly . It helped that both of then are located a stones throw away from celtel HQ. where I had business today.
First of Butterfly. Whaaat! the service is a Wi-Fi hot-spot thing. ohmigosh I am so embarrased, it doesn't qualify for this blog so this is the last you will read of it in this here blog.
Next, popote, yeah the service is CDMA, but hey wont just give me setting they even insist that my new( and fully functional ) data-card won't work with It. Damn!
Any-way price-wise, their deal is not too bad 4016/- for a months unlimited surfing. not quite bad, until you realize that Celtel's deal goes for 1000/- less and they do have coveragewhere I live @. ooh did I forget to mention, they do not have network coverage in my area and nor do they have any plans of providing such.
Have they never heard of the Equity/Bamba 20 Effect? No wonder they are loosing business. any way enoght from me for the day. read me tomorrow!

Viva la Revolucion!

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